The Their Day Foundation is a community impact organization that seeks to help individuals access community programs, resources, and services in a fun, healthy, and creative way. We are focused on building thriving community impact programs across the USA. We believe when large groups of people come together as a community with a shared common purpose the impossible happens. Their Day Foundation knows that the best way to bring people & communities together is through fun, and inspiring events that are designed to serve the needs of the under served.
Their Day Foundation is all about creating fun and safe environments with meaningful community resources that are built to enhance awareness, charitable giving, and community service. However, we are more than just a community impact event organization, we also deeply care about specific cause based initiatives that help change lives. Which is why Their Day Foundation focuses a great deal of its efforts and resources to support specific types of charitable projects.
we make investments in change
Their Day Foundation actively funds and makes resource investments in the following areas:
Poverty Assistance Programs
We believe that poverty is one of the biggest obstacles to opportunity advancement in the United States. Our commitment towards equalizing opportunity means that we fund many types of community engagement, and outreach programs that serve to subsidize the disparity of opportunity in less affluent areas and communities.
Education Advancement Projects
The number one way out of poverty is through a quality education and TDF actively funds scholarship programs and education advancement initiatives for those who are marginalized or otherwise could not afford it.
Human Trafficking Assistance Programs & Services
Human Trafficking is in every country around the world and must be stopped. This modern day version of slavery is perverse and an indictment of humanity and compassion. Their Day Foundation knows that it cannot stop this on its own, but we fund programs across the United States than seek to eliminate child prostitution, slavery, and servitude.
Family & Child Hunger Programs
Their Day Foundation knows that a child can’t learn if the child is hungry. Today, many children show up for school with only a secondary motive to learn and a primary concern for a meal. We are also aware that many families live on the border of poverty and that a job loss or lapse in pay can leave a family homeless, and a child starving. That is why TDF funds projects to assist in combating child and family hunger.
Homelessness & Shelter Projects
Many people struggle to survive and live on the brink. TDF understands that a family may only be 1 hardship or decision away from homelessness and we work hard every day to fund programs that help people in the time of their greatest need, and give them a helping hand in re stabilizing their lives.
Disability Service Assistance Programs
We believe that disability does not mean someone is incapable of leading a rich, happy, and fulfilling life… it means that they may need help and who in this world doesn’t? Their Day Foundation looks to fund programs that actively assist in children's programs, wounded veterans, the elderly, and those impacted by debilitating medical conditions.
Addiction Treatment Programs
Disabilities and addiction can tragically be a common pair. According to the CDC those with physical or mental disabilities may experience substance abuse disorders at 2 to 4 times the rate of the general population. TDF is committed to funding programs and services that address addiction treatment among the disabled community.